Moses Mysteries Stewardship Teaching The Law

The Devastating Effects of Moses

Please note that the underlined words are links to scriptures. Be sure to click on them for additional context.

In theological discussions concerning the role of the Law, some Christians are hesitant to relinquish its position as a foundational moral standard. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that the ultimate purpose of the Law was to serve as a foreshadowing of the redemptive work of Christ. While it provided guidance and direction, it also highlighted humanity’s inherent inability to exercise holiness and righteousness. Therefore, the fulfillment of the Law in Christ provides a fresh theological paradigm through which believers should comprehend and embrace moral living, founded upon Grace and sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Ultimately, as believers endeavor to discern God’s will and purposes, they must continually rely on the transformative work of the Holy Spirit to conform them to the image of Christ, recognizing that their ultimate hope and assurance rests not in their own works, but rather in the finished work of the Cross. This realization should liberate the Christian from a burdensome legalistic framework and instead usher them into a dynamic relationship with Christ that allows them to fully embrace their identity as children of God. Therefore, Christians must apprehend the profound implications of the Law’s fulfillment in Christ, as it transforms their understanding of morality and spirituality, and grants them a renewed sense of purpose in their journey of faith.

In this series, we examine a number of remarkable examples that illustrate how the complexities in the interpretation of the Law of Moses have caused destruction and devastation to nations and people alike. We start by exploring the impact the Law had on its initial recipients, and particularly the profound implications it had for the one who delivered it. From there, we pivot to consider the experiences of David and Solomon before culminating in a reflection on how Noah, as a mere mortal, was able to condemn the world through the flood. By examining these accounts, we hope to deepen our understanding of the Law’s complexities and the ways in which its interpretation has both shaped and undermined human flourishing throughout history.

To take on the task of unravelling Moses is to essentially challenge accepted orthodoxy. It is an arduous task, and one that should not be approached lightly. An inquiry that may be raised pertaining the utility of this series is whether the entire endeavor represents an exercise in futility, given its lack of apparent practical value or application and the absence of a clear benefit to a New Testament believer. And that is a good point, if the transition into Grace by way of the Cross was seamless. However, it is apparent that Christians still cling onto the Law, attempting to innovate around the parts they consider salvageable, and striving to merge them with Grace and Faith. That in itself is worse than living under the Law, since it effectively voids any framework for godly interaction given that it is no covenant at all.

That syncretic merging of the Law and Grace is what we shall explore in this series. At the time of writing, I envision splitting the series into seven parts, but that could change depending on the trajectory and revelation that emerges throughout the series, so the list might be longer. Below is a rough summary of the different parts.

Part I

What does Paul mean when he warns Timothy about rightly dividing the Word of Truth? Additionally, what does he mean when he speaks about the shame that comes when a teacher cannot reveal the intended meaning from the scriptures?

In Part I, we explore what it means to study to show ourselves approved unto God, as opposed to studying to get approval from men.

We shall also delve into the differences in the Law, distinguishing between the sacraments that pointed to Christ and the Cross, and the parts that emerged as Moses added constraints to the precincts of the Law.

Part II

In Part II, we delve into the how Moses’ lineage set him up for the cruelty that he exacted in the Law. The inheritance he received forecast the covenant he would represent.

We also explore how his errors in interpreting what was given to him on the Mount.

Part III

In Part III, we explore how Moses becomes a Law to the Israelites, and the transitory nature of the Law and the glory that it represented.

We further delve into how Moses deceitfully handled the Word of God by attempting to make the Law more permanent than it was intended, inadvertently vailing the Israelites to this day.

Part IV

In Part IV we look at how the Gospel has been the only message that the Father has been preaching from the beginning. It was preached to Noah, to Abraham and to the Israelites. This is a truth lost to many who think that the Law preceded Grace, but as we shall see, the Law was added because of transgressions.

Part V

In Part V we explore the role of a minister of the new testament, and how Grace should be the message on our lips. We shall further discuss why Rest is the principle portion of a believer, and how that comes from believing on Jesus. Many people believe in Jesus, but few have attained the revelation of believing on Him.

Part VI

In Part VI, we explore how the Law turns well meaning efforts and endeavours into zombies. We shall explore the role of physical death, as a form of Grace. This will help us understand how the Law brings death, by supping life out of any meaningful endeavor through the concept of original sin.

Part VII

In Part VII, we explore how the garments we have been clothed with are very different from those that the Law clothes with, and how our eternal relationship with the Father is assured because of Jesus’ finished work on the Cross.

We shall also explore how actions do not determine whether one ends up with eternal life or not, but the Law is the delimiter.

Finally, we must ask ourselves, what if the very Law that some Christians cling to as a foundational moral standard, is in fact responsible for many of the problems afflicting our world today? By examining these questions, we aim to challenge our assumptions and shed light on the negative consequences of legalism in Christian thought and practice.

It is important to note that it is not my aim to alarm for the sake of it, this is not a witch-hunt against Moses. The intention is to put the Law in it’s rightful context and hopefully edify the believer to live in the freedom that Christ has purchased for them at a great cost. The peaching in the Law should essentially point to the Christ, as should any right prophecy:

For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. — Revelation 19:10

Please note that all scripture in this text, unless stated, is quoted from the King James Version, and the formatting changes like italicizing and bolding text in scripture are done for emphasis and are all mine.

Let’s get to the first episode.